

This is the documentation to install dashboard for the gn2pg_cli. This dashboard allow the user to get readonly view for the table generate with gn2pg_cli --json-tables-create <myconfigfile>

Here are some pictures of dashboarg gn2pg :

Dashboard_Home Dashboard_gn2pg_downloag_log


If you want to install the dashboard , follow these instructions:

1. Copy locally project source code

Get locally the latest release from GitHub repo, e.g. for version 1.5.0.

wget https://github.com/lpoaura/GN2PG/archive/refs/tags/v1.5.0.tar.gz
tar xzf v1.5.0.tar.gz
mv GN2PG-1.5.0/ gn2pg

2. Config settings.ini

First you must have follow all steps of documentation to use gn2pg_cli in the HowTo doc (at least gn2pg_cli --init <myconfigfile> && gn2pg_cli --json-tables-create <myconfigfile>. Indeed the dashboard uses information given in your ~/.gn2pg/config.toml

  • File ~/.gn2pg/config.toml

    # GN2PG configuration file
    # Local db configuration
    db_host = "localhost"
    db_port = 5432
    db_user = "<dbUser>"
    db_password = "<dbPassword>"
    db_name = "<dbName>"
    db_schema_import = "schema"

After that you have to create and fill the file : setting.ini based on the example file settings.ini.sample You will find this file at : install/settings.ini.sample

  • File install/settings.ini.sample


2.a Installation for production

Go into the install folder and then execute script:

  1. ./01_set_config_htaccess.sh

This script allow you to create user and password to protect the access to dashboard url

  1. ./02_install_app.sh

This script add necessary package and create /etc/systemd/system/gn2pg.service and apache files either with new virtualhost etc/apache2/sites-available/gn2pg.conf or only config /etc/apache2/conf-available/gn2pg.conf

2.b Installation for development

Execute these lines from the root of folder gn2pg.

source /venv/bin/activate
poetry install --extras=dashboard
cd gn2pg
flask run

Finally go to the url according to your settings.ini (default :